

To improve protocols for the quantification of the mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) fraction and for the quantification of the fraction consisting of substances with three or more aromatic ring systems (3+MOAH), including sample preparation procedures for food matrices not covered in the development of ISO/DIS 20122. This will include selected food types from the SCoPAFF categories with a fat content between 4 % and 50 % (MOAH ≤ 1.0 mg/kg) and below 4 % (MOAH ≤ 0.5 mg/kg). Reliable MOAH quantification shall be demonstrated in presence of biogenic interfering substances.


To develop sensitive analytical procedures for detecting and quantifying per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in selected matrices, in line with the requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/915, meeting the limits of quantification (LOQ) specified in Commission Recommendation (EU) 2022/1431, ranging from ≤ 0.002 μg/kg to ≤ 0.5 μg/kg for relevant PFAS groups depending on the matrix. The following PFAS will be addressed: PFOS, PFOA, PFNA e PFHxS, as well as emerging perfluoroalkyl substances (e.g., GenX. ADONA, PAPs, Fluorotelomer alcohols and sulfonates). Food matrices will be selected in order to cover categories that pose different analytical challenges, from (i) water/moisture-content (ii) Fatty and (iii) High protein matrices. Food packaging materials (both virgin and recycled) will be studied as well.


To develop traceable and highly accurate reference materials for quality control and quality assurance purposes. These materials will be designed for key contaminants like MOSH, MOAH, and PFAS in relevant food and food-related matrices, such as vegetable oil, infant formula, fish, milk, and food packaging.


Develop screening methods addressing new/existing organic and inorganic contaminants, in virgin and recycled packaging such as bio-based food contact materials and reusable materials. To detect contaminants’ migration in food simulants and selected food matrices as well as to foster the research in the discovery of Emerging and Novel PFAS through non-targeted screening. To implement metrological approaches for the determination of total extractable organic fluorine (EOF) in selected matrices as well as to address direct transportable/portable rapid screening methods for performance and comparison to existing laboratory methods.


To facilitate the take up of the technology and measurement infrastructure by the supply chain (e.g., regulatory bodies, NMIs, DIs and EMN for Safe and Sustainable Food), standards developing organisations (e.g., CEN, ISO, UNI, IOC, Codex Alimentarius), and end users (e.g., reference laboratories, the food industry), to ensure that the advancements made in the project benefit the wider community.