
Overall aim

The overall aim of the ScreenFood project is to develop analytical strategies
and reference materials supporting food and food packaging industries in the
provision of safe and sustainable products compliant to legislation.
he project will establish a metrological network able to provide, in collaboration
with research centres and industries, innovative harmonised standards,
internationally recognised, aimed at the detection and quantification of
contaminants in food, with a focus on those possibly migrated from virgin and
recycled food packaging materials.

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Targeted contaminants will be Mineral Oils and PFAS. Reference materials for PFAS and Mineral Oils in selected food matrices will be produced.
Screening methods for organic and inorganic contaminants in food and food packaging will be validated.
Migration studies protocols will applied both for traditional and sustainable food packaging materials.
Interlaboratory studies will be organized for characterization of reference materials and method validation.